As the United States emerged as a nation, fear of witches cast a long and sinister shadow over its early years. While the infamous Salem witch trials of 1692 in Massachusetts are well-documented, lesser-known but equally disturbing trials occurred in other states, including Ohio.
The witchcraft trial in Ohio, though less known, reveals the enduring fear and superstition that once gripped communities. This particular case unfolded in Bethel, Ohio, in 1805, shedding light on the deeply ingrained beliefs of the era.
Bethel, Ohio was founded in 1798 by Obed Denham. In its early years, several families settled in the tranquil town, including the Hildebrand family. Their name soon became tied to an extraordinary incident.

The Hildebrand family had two older daughters who believed they were under the influence of evil spirits.
Their afflictions appeared in screaming fits and visions of ominous happenings that only they could see. Desperate to rid themselves of these malevolent forces, the family turned to peculiar rituals.
In one ritual, they made a large bag from lindsey-woolsey. Each family member held it during a ceremony, believing the witch responsible for their troubles was trapped inside. They securely tied the bag and chopped it into thousands of pieces before burning the remnants to ensure the witch’s destruction.
Despite their efforts, the girls’ hysterical behavior continued. Some speculated their actions were a way to avoid chores. Regardless, the girls now believed the spirit had taken the form of their neighbor, Nancy Evans, a widowed woman. Convinced Nancy was responsible for their misfortune, they shunned her, but their problems persisted.
The local justice of the peace, Houton Clarke, felt the need to intervene and remove Nancy from the village. Ohio had no laws to address accusations of witchcraft, so Justice Clarke had to find a way to resolve the issue.
A common belief at the time was that witches, having forsaken goodness, possessed little weight.
The villagers decided to weigh Nancy Evans against the Holy Bible. They gathered around as the scales were set up. The Bible was placed on one side, Nancy on the other. Justice Clarke solemnly declared, “Nancy Evans, thou art weighed against the Bible to try thee against all witchcraftry and diabolical practices.”
Nancy, significantly heavier than the Bible, was proven innocent in the eyes of the law. Some in the crowd wanted the sisters to face consequences, but Clarke had them escorted from the trial. Shortly after, the Hildebrand family moved west. Nancy eventually relocated to Brown County. Houton Clarke continued serving the community.

According to the “History of Clermont County, Ohio” (1880), “since their departure (the Hildebrands), witches have no more flourished at Bethel than at any other place. The village became known for the intelligence of its inhabitants and the neighborly relations among them, which continue to this day.”
This peculiar episode from Bethel’s history shows the fear and superstition that once gripped communities. It also highlights the creative ways people sought justice in a time when the line between reality and the supernatural was often blurred.