Interested in advertising? Here’s what you need to know.
The nitty-gritty:
The Navigator audience is young, smart, activated and engaged. We are experts at creating content that people love to share – even when it’s advertising. Interested?
Contact us! hello[at]
We’re doing things no other publication in Columbus is doing.
Our audience is young, engaged, and in love with Columbus. They are social tastemakers. We obsessively create content and ad products that audiences love, and we want to work with Columbus brands and businesses that mesh with what we are already doing.
Why We Exist
Columbus Navigator exists to showcase everything that makes Columbus special.
The Truth About Local Advertising
Much of local advertising, especially brand marketing, is broken. DVR’s are fast-forwarding through local ads and newspapers are thrown into recycling bins unread (when they make it into the house at all.)
We create advertising that people want to read. Advertising that people love reading so much they hit the share button on Facebook with enthusiasm.
We are not:
- Pure lead gen. We will do our best to drive new customers through the door and work with what your business needs, but if you are just wanting cheap leads you should be spending money with Facebook and Google. I’ve worked in lead gen previously and would be happy to give advice pro bono. Believe it or not, I love talking local advertising strategy. – James
- High volume. Signing on as a partner with us means you get dedicated support and attention. You’ll also get premium attention in our ad products. We only want to work with a small number of Columbus companies. Selling you banner ads and not caring how it works out for your business is not who we are or what we do.
The bottom line: our audience cares about Columbus and they care about the businesses they choose to support. We can help you reach that audience by creating advertising people actually want to read (and share!)
Our stats:
Traffic: 600,000+ page views a month, and growing
Daily Newsletter Subscribers: 15,000+
Organic Facebook Reach: 100,000+/wk
Instagram: 19,000+
A note on our numbers: we don’t do gimmicks to inflate traffic. We don’t lie about our traffic (This happens locally in Columbus – you would be surprised.) You aren’t going to see horrible-for-user-experience traffic trading platforms like Taboola on our site, and we also don’t publish articles on shootings, kidnappings, murders, fires, or mug shots – all sources of cheap and easy traffic that we leave to others because you don’t want your brand or business displayed in conjunction with any of it.