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20 Times Midwestern Twitter Understood Me Better Than Anyone

The midwest is more than a region, it’s a lifestyle.

From politely asking to “just squeeze by” in a crowd, to basing our weather assumptions on how the air smells, the middle of America is a unique place to live. There are some things that can only be explained as “we’ve always done it that way.”

Midwest is the best, and here are 20 tweets that prove we really get each other.

1. I can still hear it.

Twitter: @midwestern_ope

2. Midwestern dads have the “best” jokes.

Twitter: @midwestern_ope

3. I may or may not be eating off of it right now.

Twitter: @midwestern_ope

4. Your car doesn’t deserve the kind of treatment it gets in Ohio.

Twitter: @midwest_thebest

5. Are we this predictable? Yes. We are.

Twitter: @midwest_thebest

6. This is my family.

Twitter: @midwest_thebest

7. No worries, all the way.

Twitter: @midwest_thebest

8. This is so true. I feel personally attacked.

Twitter: @midwest_thebest

9. Shout out to the CCHS Theatre Department. Cast dinners at Applebees were the event of the season.

Twitter: @rachelskur

10. Is a spoon considered a weapon? It certainly can be.

Twitter: @lordofoverstock

11. I may or may not have just used some. Winters are rough here, y’all.

Twitter: @mlgreer89

12. That’s basically warm enough for flip flops, right?

Twitter: @midwestern_ope

13. Bonus points if there are none.

Twitter: @midwestern_ope

14. We were just talking about this, wait for it, the other day.

Twitter: @midwestern_ope

15. Where else would we put those corn-on-the-cob holder things and batteries?

Twitter: @midwestern_ope

16. I’ll fight to the death.

Twitter: @midwestern_ope

17. Don’t ever expect us to tell you how many miles away something is.

Twitter: @midwest_thebest

18. So true. Fancy moms have a quilted bag for the Kroger bags.

Twitter: @midwest_thebest

19. You never know what you may see.

Twitter: @midwest_thebest

20. The most accurate way to predict the weather.

Twitter: @midwest_thebest