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A Semi-Truck Driver Confused The Olentangy Bike Path With A Freeway On Ramp And Chaos Ensued

Nothing says Thursday morning like a casual drive near the Olentangy River, right?


Unless you’re a semi-truck driver and that casual drive takes place on a bike path.

ODOT reported that “for some reason, this tractor-trailer was driving on the Olentangy Bike Path when it hit a bridge at 670 and 315.” Now there are ODOT bridge inspectors on the scene to taking a look for damages.

The truck was absolutely damaged, or more appropriately, destroyed.

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In case you’re wondering how this happened, Columbus Police say the driver hit the two bridges after attempting to find an onramp to SR-315, heading north near Spring Street.

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According to the police, the Olentangy Bike Path will remain closed at the bridge for a while.

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There is a silver lining here though folks. At least your day isn’t going as badly as that truck driver’s.