How many kangaroos could you fight?
Twitter user @laz1023 has left all responsible Ohioians asking themselves that very same question after a hilarious tweet over the weekend. The tweet was simple. When the current population of Ohio is pitted against the world’s population of kangaroo, Ohioans are badly outnumbered.
There are roughly 40 million kangaroos worldwide and there are 8 million people in Ohio so if there was an instance that kangaroos invaded Ohio each individual would have to fight off a minimum of 5 kangaroos and idk if we could do it
— Plex (@laz1023) October 21, 2018
Technically, Ohio has an estimated population of 11.69 million. But if we assume that @laz1023 took a few million out for children, who don’t historically make great kangaroo fighters, maybe he’s onto something.
I want to believe that here in Ohio, we are capable of anything. But I also believe that I cannot fight 5 kangaroos in hand to hand combat. Especially because I’m envisioning kangaroos like this:
Massive ‘bodybuilder’ kangaroo squares up to man and dog
— (@newscomauHQ) October 12, 2017
It seems the hypothetical scenario has got Ohioans thinking. The original post has been retweeted 60K+ times and earned over 286,000 likes.