From psychics to platonic cuddling, these are 10 meetup groups you’re going to want to see for yourself.
It’s easy to get locked into that social media grind. You get stuck socializing with a computer or cellphone screen instead of making actual contact with other actual human beings. Days or weeks go by before you suddenly realized that the only person you’ve been communicating with is the cashier at Speedway, and even then only in semi-discernible grunts and gestures. It’s time to get back out there in the world and talk to your fellow man. Luckily, the very thing that has robbed us of any real intimacy also offers us that very same courtesy.
There are tons of meetup groups online with tons of different interests and backgrounds. You can get to any clique from the shirt and tie norms, to the weirdest of the fringe circles. But don’t knock it until you try it, think outside your comfort zone and check out these ten awesome Columbus meetup groups near you.
Resist: Columbus

Even if you just wanna get out there and get your Social Justice Warrior on, this is a pretty good resource. They provide protest events as well as some community service opportunities. Plus, you get to meet other folks who are super #WOKE and like minded.
Happy Hours and Trivia Nights in Columbus

Because what better time to make friends than when you’re drunk and being super competitive, amirite? Prove just how smart you are among other strangers and see how you stack up. You can hang out with Captain Cream Cheese and get some drinks at Oddfellows, or suggest other trivia nights to the group.
Happy Hours And Trivia Nights In Columbus
Columbus Young Professionals Club

Get your network on and wave that yuppie flag proudly. They also do some fun stuff like yoga and learning how to brew beer. It’s business 101, cut out the middleman (that being the bartender). There’s also coffee talks and group dinners, giving the average up and comer plenty of access to other people for professional advice and socializing.
Columbus Young Professionals Club
Capoeira For Kids

Capoeira is a Brazilian dancing art that’ll be fun for kids of all ages. It keeps them active, healthy, and gives them a chance to hang out with others their age. It really is a great idea, as long as you don’t find the concept of your children knowing how to out breakdance fight you ABSOLUTELY TERRIFYING.
Stand-up Writing Group

Sometimes it takes a group of absolute strangers to tell you exactly how not-funny you are. But hey, that’s, like, the first step in learning how to be funny. Probably. Maybe. Either way, you should definitely see if you got the chops if you’ve ever been curious. You’ll get together with like-minded people who want to workshop their funniness and generally make each other laugh while doing so.
The Inconceivably Nerdy Young Adults Of Columbus

These people have grown tired of apologizing for their weirdness, banded together, made a pretty funny music video, and decided to fight back against the non-nerds of society. At least once a month they get together to discuss all the creative nerd things they’re into and just hang out. After watching their video I can honestly say that these people are both super awesome and super weird which makes them super delightful.
Cuddle Party Columbus

We all need a good platonic cuddle every once in awhile, right? Cuddle Party provides a safe place to explore your physical needs within the confines of a structured system. Admission is $20 and you should come dressed in a set of your comfiest PJs. You know what they say; if cuddles are wrong, then you can keep your judgments to yourself, judgey mcjudgerson.
Mirror Darkly

A group for anyone wanting to roll a twenty-sided die and play make believe as a grown adult person. This group offers a fun Dungeons and Dragons experience to anyone willing to play. It doesn’t matter if you’re super experienced or you just want to try it out. Let that inner nerd go free and slay some dragons like nobody’s watching.
Mystic Nirvana

If you’re into spiritual stuff and the things that go bump in the middle of the night, then check out Mystic Nirvana’s psychic meetups. Work on your intuition or go on a ghost hunt. They have a variety of groups and classes from Reiki to Candle magic. Embrace the weird. Namaste.
Pokemon Go: Columbus

If you’re one of those people still playing Pokemon Go, rest easy in the fact that you’re not alone. Join up with people throughout the city and meet up for PokeParties (which sounds like a great time from the alliteration alone). Catch them all, Columbus.
So go ahead and check out these cool groups and please, please, come back with a super awesome story to tell.