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The Columbus Park Of Roses Is In Full Bloom

The Columbus Park of Roses is one of the most iconic parks in the city and it is in full bloom right now.

The 13-acre garden is one of the largest public rose gardens in the country with over 12,000 rose specimens. The Park of Roses is located within Whetstone Park and in 1951, members of the Columbus Rose Club, the Central Ohio Rose Society, and city officials formed a committee to create a rose garden.

The Columbus Park of Roses opened to the public in 1953 and has been a popular destination in the city ever since. The park is managed by Columbus Recreation and Parks and has five horticultural themes:

• Formal Rose Garden — rose beds laid out in a symmetrical pattern, each planted with one variety for visual impact

• Heritage Rose Garden — rose varieties cultivated before 1867, and predecessors to many modern roses

• Perennial Garden — more than 100 varieties of bulbs, perennials, shrubs and trees

• Herb Garden — more than 100 varieties of plants grouped by usage, fragrance and pollinator qualities

• Backyard Garden — low-maintenance bulbs, perennials, shrubs and trees designed to give visitors creative ideas for their own gardens

• Arboretum — comprises the entire Columbus Park of Roses with more than 138 varieties of trees and shrubs

If you’ve never had the chance to check the park out, now is a perfect time. Many of the flowers are in bloom and it’s especially magical around sunset. From the parking lot, you’ll be able to literally smell the roses before you even walk into the park.

While the entire park is gorgeous, I’m a particular fan of the Heritage Garden, which features roses cultivated before 1867.

The Park of Roses is located at 3901 N. High St. It’s open from 7 a.m. until dusk year-round and there is no admission fee. For more info about The Columbus Park of Roses, you can visit their website here. To see more of the park, keep scrolling!