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6 Of The Top 10 Most Educated Cities In Ohio Are In Central Ohio

It’s no secret that Columbus is a smart city. But the suburbs aren’t too shabby either.

According to a study of the recently released US Census Community Survey data by, 6 of the Top 10 most educated cities in the state are here in Central Ohio.

These highly educated areas also tend to be the most high-income areas in the state. Around the state, 26.7% of adults over the age of 25 have at least a bachelor’s degree. In the Top 10, 70% of adults over 25 have at least a bachelor’s degree.

via Rich Exner at

New Albany comes in second place for the most highly educated, with 77% of adults holding degrees. They also have the highest median family income in the state with $214,850. The city ranked in the top ten for highest median home values and lowest poverty rates.

Slots 3-8 in the higher education category went to several Central Ohio cities, including:

  • Dublin, 75.3% and fifth in median income at $144,005
  • Bexley, 74.1% and 10th in median income at $127,007
  • Upper Arlington, 74% and ninth in median income at $127,734
  • Powell, 73.4% and fourth in median income at $146,442
  • Grandview Heights, 71% and 11th in median income at $123,558
  • Dublin, Upper Arlington, Powell, and Grandview Heights also ranked in the Top 10 for highest median home values. The correlation between higher education and higher median income is expected, but higher education can also lead to better health and higher levels of civic engagement.

    Well done, Central Ohio!

    via GIPHY