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The University Area Review Board has announced that the online shopping superpower Amazon will open up shop at 2114 N. High St., the former location of UniversiTees.

The Amazon Campus store, which is currently located at several different universities across the country, will provide students with Amazon Prime a place to pick up their online orders. Amazon Prime is offered to students at a $50 discount for $49 per year. Students will be able to pick up their orders in easy to access lockers.

Construction begins on April 3, but an opening date has not been announced for the store.

Amazon already has a presence on OSU Campus with its Amazon Student representatives. Most recently, Amazon’s student representatives participated in R U OK? Day on campus to help spread awareness for suicide prevention.

Located only blocks away from The Amazon Campus, Barnes and Noble will find the online retailer more of a competitor than ever before.

Amazon has brought a lot of its business to the Columbus area in the past year. From a distribution center to the Amazon Prime Now service, and now Amazon Campus.