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Test Out Your Glassblowing Skills At Franklin Park Conservatory’s Hot Shop

Have you ever wanted to dabble in glassblowing?

It’s an incredible artform but I think we can all agree that at first glance, it seems like a tough one to break into. You need specific equipment, and a willing teacher, all of which can be prohibitive for those just getting started. That’s where the Hot Shop at Franklin Park Conservatory comes in.

Housed in an outdoor glassblowing pavilion in the North Courtyard, the Hot Shop at the conservatory offers daily demonstrations (April through December) by local master glassblowers. You can watch the gaffers gather molten glass and transform it into something beautiful, with every step described during the 25-minute sessions.

What You Need To Know About Classes

If you’d like to participate in the Hot Shop Studio Classes, there are a few things you’ll need to know. First of all, no experience is necessary to participate. Each participant will take home one piece of artwork, which will be ready to be picked up the next day after 3 p.m. Class sizes range from 5-10 students.

The 2024 class schedule looks pretty incredible, giving participants the opportunity to create all sorts of unique items. If you’d rather book a personal glassblowing session, the Conservatory offers 3-hour personal classes for up to 2 people.

These classes will allow students to work closely with the glassblower to create different pieces of their own choosing. You can get more info about personal sessions on the Franklin Park Conservatory website.

Featured image by Jason Leung on Unsplash