A surface lot downtown will become a 15-story mixed-use structure.
Located at 100 N. High Street, the mixed-use development consists of 152 residential units, a rooftop amenity lounge and pool, ground floor commercial space, and a parking garage to support this program.
In addition to providing parking for the building, the garage will also provide spaces for some surrounding properties. The development proposal was originally submitted by Eclipse Real Estate Group and Meyers + Associates Architects in July, but the commission had some feedback for developers.
In response, some changes to the original conceptual proposal were made including increasing the visual height of the ground floor, changing the color palette, and modifications to the entrance.
The proposal meets the guidelines related to building design, heigh, materials, and parking, so the commission requires that the developers return for final approval of the private art, graphics, and lighting of the building.
Commission meetings can be attended in person or streamed online through YouTube. For more information, you can visit the Downtown Commission website here.