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Tasty Dawg Is Bringing Their Gourmet Hot Dogs To The Arena District

A new gourmet hot dog joint is opening downtown this week.

Tasty Dawg will open its doors in the Arena District on December 10. The restaurant will feature a variety of specialty, all-beef hot dogs at their 155 W. Nationwide Blvd location. Operated by owners Dailey & Sun Jin Pak (who also operate Tasty Main Catering) the hot dog eatery won’t offer any dine-in services at first.

Customers who want to get their hands on a hot dog will need to order online for delivery or pick-up, which can be done through the Tasty Dawg website.

You can order your hot dogs as combo meals or just grab the indvidual dogs. All hot dogs from Tasty Dawg will be served on Bavarian rolls and you can substitute any all-beef dog for an Italian brat or plant-based brat.

Side dishes include Triangle Tots, Creamy White Cheddar Mac, Amish-style Coleslaw, and Chunky Beef Chili.

For more info about Tasty Dawg, you can visit their website here.