There are big plans in the works for the former Kroger bakery building.
A joint venture from three developers, Casto, Kelley Cos. and The Robert Weiler Co., the property will be transformed into 448 apartment units. The designs for the 9.5-acre site will be reviewed by the Columbus Historic Resources Commission later this month.
There are two existing buildings on the property, located at 427 and 457 Cleveland Ave., that will be restored, while three new buildings will be built around them.

The three developers bought the property after Kroger Co. closed the bakery in 2019. In addition to the residential spaces, the development will have 8,850 square feet of restaurant space and 2,400 square feet of office space, as well as new parking areas.
As with most new developments downtown, the property will feature rooftop gathering spaces. There will also be a dog park, a swimming area, green space, and sports areas. According to renderings, the two existing buildings will retain their historic charm, while the new builds will have a more modern, industrial look.

The existing structures are nearly a century old. 427 Cleveland Ave originally served as a Ford Motor Co. factory where the iconic Model T was produced.
The proposed development is scheduled for an initial review by the Historic Resources Commission on April 15.